Horizonte 13


In einem diskursiven Prozess sucht die dreizehnte Ausgabe der HORIZONTE – Zeitschrift für Architekturdiskurs nach Perspektiven innerhalb und außerhalb der gemeinsamen architektonischen Sichtweisen. Sie umfasst Gedanken, Thesen, Projekte und Argumente, die sich mit der Fähigkeit der Architektur, Teil des Definitionsprozesses des COMMON zu sein, auseinandersetzen.

Questions of form, geometry and proportions have always been intrinsic
to architecture.
Nevertheless we consider architecture to be moving from its origin
towards a process that is connected to several other fields of
One main reason for this seems to be the growing interest in the topic
of the Common. Even though it has already been widely discussed we
want to attempt to reconsider it in a new light.
There are two things we are primarily interested in:
Firstly, how to make architecture that takes the Common seriously and
adapts to its logic. We wonder – what is the right process to reach an
architecture that is adequate?
Simultaneously however, we want to question this approach – is it part
of architecture to make Common? Is Architecture even able to produce
The Common is the result of co-existing singularities. Thus, each
entity defines and is defined by its own role within the realm of the
Is Architecture part of this defining process, does it serve as a
background or could it be both at the same time?
In a discursive process which is neither complete nor all-embracing
the thirteenth issue of the HORIZONTE – Journal for Architectural
Discourse is looking for perspectives from within, and outside of,
common architectural view-points; searching for thoughts, theses,
projects and arguments discussing architecture’s actual ability to be
part of the defining process of the Common.


Autors & Artists (IOOA):

amid.cero9 (Christina Díaz Moreno & Efrén Garcia Grinda)

Alina Biriukova

Page Comeaux

Andrea Alberto Dutto

Kristian Faschingeder

Joana de la Fontaine

Valens Fragenz

Sophia Holst

Tim Ingold

Paul Knopf

Anne Lacaton

Juliette Martin

Pedro Esteban Estudillo Sacoto

Jakob Sellaoui

Marco Schröder

Jana Schwinkendorf

Maja Sorabjee

Lian Liana Stähelin

Leonie Wagner

Jasmine Grace Wenzel


+ Poster, folded

251 Seiten
17,5 x 23 cm
Juni 2019
ISSN 2190-5649

